Why Your Website is Too Small

Why Your Website is Too Small

You hear me. It’s tiny, diminutive, acute. What I’m referring to is that most church websites are stuck on what’s called the 960 Grid system. This made a lot of sense when monitors were squarer and accommodating a resolution of 1024 X 768. Now most...
Look for Me at Wild Goose

Look for Me at Wild Goose

If you are going to Wild Goose this year be sure to visit with me.  I’ll be hanging out at the Common Grounds Coffee Shop (hosted by Darkwood Brew). Stop by and talk about social media ministry while enjoying a nice coffee or tea.
IAUMC Strategic Priorities

IAUMC Strategic Priorities

  I want to focus in on the role that technology can/will play in the reimagining of the conference. First off, technology is changing our social norms, a fact that shouldn’t be overlooked in our reorganization. 1. Hierarchies are flattening a. Administrators and...